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Stories (2020)

Stories: Eva Kano Jazzberries "Little" Orchestra album cover

Artist: Eva Kano Jazzberries "Little" Orchestra
Personnel: Ulf Stricker, Percussion; Petr Dvorsky, Bass; Walter Fischbacher, Piano; Eric Pontes Guitars; Eva Kano, Piano, Concert and Tenor Ukulele; Alexa Tarantino, Flute, Clarinet, Alto and Tenor Saxophones; Mark Mommaas, Soprano and Tenor Saxophones; Andrew Gutauskas, Baritone Sax, Bass Clarinet; John Lake, Trumpet, Flugelhorn; Nana Sakamoto, Trombone; Atlys, Strings Quartet
Description: A little Jazz Big Band/Orchestra, Eva Kano Jazzberries "Little" Orchestra's first album including 8 instrumental tunes composed by Eva Kano and arranged and orchestrated by Steven Feifke (except La Pasión which was co-arranged and orchestrated with Eva Kano) in various styles.
Label: Jazzlele Records

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