Join Team Tarantino with new hats, mugs, e-books, and more in the online store! CLICK HERE
Join Team Tarantino with new hats, mugs, e-books, and more in the online store! CLICK HERE


Alexa tarantino smiling with alto sax

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to say hello, I'd love to hear from you.

For any bookings, commissions, brand collaborations, or media inquiries, please contact management below.

Management: Birdland Artists
Jo Lawrence, jo@birdlandjazz.com
(P) 212-581-0612

Common Questions Answered

What is your setup? // Click here and scroll down for my full equipment list.

What are your teaching rates? // Click here to learn more about or apply for my one-on-one coaching. I am no longer offering single private lessons. Please use the contact form below for other education or guest artist inquiries.

Where can I find your biography and press photo? // You can download the bio and high-res photo of your choice here.

Contact Alexa

Team Tarantino

Booking: Unlimited Myles (see above)

Management: Birdland Artists (see above)

Anna Yatskevich, @jazzaddikt

Graphic Design (Logo)
Stephanie Layton, Red Scandal Graphics

Website Design + Development
Janelle Reichman, Ellanyze

Sara Pettinella, Little Comb Productions

Erin Esparza, The Erin Effect



Brand Collaborations


7 Ways to Boost Your Digital Presence

Feeling stuck? These are 7 tips and tricks of mine that you can be doing right now to maximize your digital presence! Subscribe below to receive your Free PDF now!

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