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The DIVA Jazz Orchestra Swings Broadway (2022)


Artist: The DIVA Jazz Orchestra

Description: Broadway musicals have been the source of many notable jazz standards, and this album continues the DIVA tradition of reimagining great songs. Each selection on this recording has an inherent musical depth, context, and meaning, energized by our original interpretations that will hopefully elicit fond memories for our listeners. Each arrangement was commissioned to highlight the power, force, and beauty of The DIVA Jazz Orchestra’s ensemble sound, as well as to feature our fifteen exceptional soloists.

Without a doubt, this is the ‘swing-in-est’ Broadway recording, EVER! Every musician gets their chance to shine. Clear, stunning, sophisticated arrangements. From familiar favorites to “The Great White Way’s” rarities. We’re so very proud to present this masterpiece to you! – Pat and Marcia Gallas-Christie (Executive Producers)

Alexa's Role: Lead Alto and Soprano Saxophone, Flute

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